Episode I: MMM
vs. Customer Service
Customer Service Operator: Hello?
MMM: Yes, hello. I would like to lodge a complaint… on behalf of JUSTICE!
CSO: Ooohhhkay…?
MMM: Last week I had one of my appendixes removed, and I never received as
much ice cream as I could eat!
Episode II:
MMM vs. The bank
Bank Teller: How are you today sir? Can I help you?
MMM: Indeed you can, young miss! I was just interacting with your ATM device
and I noticed that you are making time travel services available to your
customers and this must be stopped… for JUSTICE!
BT: I’m sorry… how’s that again?
MMM: Outside… on the ATM… the screen informed me that there were limited
time travel opportunities available, and that I should talk to a teller if
interested. Even if you limit the time travel opportunities there is far too
much room for abuse by criminals! You must withdraw the offer… for JUSTICE!
BT: I... see... Let me get my manager...